ILA Model

Defining ILA models

To start defining an ILA model, the first thing is to create an Ila object at the top-most level.

auto m = ilang::Ila("model_name");

The object hierarchy is structured based on the ILA formal model:

+-  Architectural states
|   +-  Inputs variables (leaf nodes of type Boolean or bit-vector)
|   +-  State variables (leaf nodes of type Boolean, bit-vector, or memory)
+-  Instructions
|   +-  Decode function: expression (bit-vector)
|   +-  State update functions: expression (same type as the state)
+-  Valid function: expression (Boolean)
+-  Fetch function: expression (bit-vector)
+-  Initial conditions: expression (Boolean)
+-  Child ILAs

Note: expressions are the AST tree where input and state variables are the leaf nodes.

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