Installing ILAng


The build system of ILAng embraces modern CMake, which requires CMake (3.8 or above) and compilers with CXX 11 support. It also requires


3.0.4 - 3.3.0

2.5.35 or above

4.4.0 or above

1.50.0 or above


To install all dependencies on Debian-based UNIX:

apt-get install bison flex libboost-all-dev z3 libz3-dev libgflags-dev

To install all dependencies on Arch Linux-based distributions:

pacman -S bison flex boost z3

To install dependencies (except z3) on Fedora-based Linux:

yum install bison flex boost boost-python boost-devel

To install on OS X using Homebrew:

brew install bison flex boost boost-python z3

Homebrew updates the formulas (packages) frequently, and may encounter build failure. Build and install from source in cases of version conflict.

Building from source

You can clone the source of ILAng from GitHub. To build ILAng with default configuration (and all required sub-modules), create a build directory:

cd ilang/root/dir
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake .. 
make -j$(nproc)

After the build complete successfully, you can optionally run tests and install ILAng.

make run_test
sudo make install


  • Use -DILANG_FETCH_DEPS=OFF to disable config-time sub-modules update

  • Use -DILANG_BUILD_TEST=OFF to disable building the unit tests

  • Use -DILANG_BUILD_SYNTH=OFF to disable building the synthesis engine

  • Use -DILANG_INSTALL_DEV=ON to enable installing working features


When using git older than 1.8.4, you need to update the sub-modules before running the configuration.

cd ilang/root/dir
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir -p build && cd build
make -j$(nproc)

Last updated