Verification Target

The verification target can be generated by creating the IlaVerilogRefinementChecker object.

The arguments of the constructors are:

  1. The ILA object

  2. A list of paths to search for Verilog include files

  3. A list of Verilog design files

  4. The Verilog top module

  5. The variable mapping file (first part of refinement map)

  6. The instruction start/ready conditions (second part of refinement map)

  7. The output path of the verification targets

  8. The choice of backend, which can be either ModelCheckerSelection::JASPERGOLD or ModelCheckerSelection::PONO

  9. (Optional) Verilog generator configuration

Some of the useful options are listed below (see include/ilang/rtl_verify.h for a full list):

OptionMeaningPossible values


Whether to start from an arbitrary state



Engines for Pono

"ind", "bmc", "ic3ia", "ic3sa", ...


Additional options for Pono

e.g., " -v 1 " sets verbose level to be 1.


Whether to use SMT arrays for Verilog arrays


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